The Future of Digital Civilisation 2030+
A 3-year foresight scenario planing study looking 25 years into the future and series of high level conferences funded by the European Union and hosted in Margaux. It explored the nature of the civilisation that emerges with the broad use of genetics, robotics, information technology and nano technology.
The study involved workshops in six countries and three continents. It brought together more than 50 domain experts from Nobel Prize laureates, governors of central banks, EU Commissioners, academics, artists and entrepreneurs.

The Digital Thinking Network supported the foresight process as process designer, facilitator, scenario author and partner in the organising consortium with Aquitaine Europe Communication and the inimitable Daniel Kaplan from The Next Generation Foundation. The process (2005-7) took a long term view with a 25 year horizon to 2030 exploring how the information society might evolve and emerging global challenges.
The workshops were remarkable in their complexity combining a custom designed scenario game, modelling pavilions of the World Expo in 2030 in clay (building on the fantastic work of the Lego Learning Lab), expert presentations, facilitated discussions, group work , storytelling and visualisation.

Expert participants included:
Yasmine ABBAS (France)
Izumi AIZU (Japan)
George AMAR (France)
Jean-Claude BURGELMAN (Belgium)
Daniela CERQUI (Switserland)
Abdoullah CISSÉ (Sengal)
Régine DEBATTY (Belgium)
Daniel ERASMUS (Netherlands)
Monica FOSSATI (France)
Daniel KAPLAN (France)
Derrick de KERKHOVE (Canada)
Jiro KOKURYO (Japan)
Philippe LEMOINE (France)
Ranjit MAKKUNI (India)
Isaac MAO (China)
Teruyasu MURAKAMI (Japan)
Nicolas NOVA (Switserland)
Francis PISANI (France)
Giulio PRISCO (Italy)
Joël de ROSNAY (France)
Françoise ROURE (France)
Anders SANDBERG (Sweden)
Henri VANDAMME (France)
Foong WAI FONG (Malasia)