The Future of Learning in Preparation for Life in 2020+
A foresight scenario planning investigation into the future of learning for Europe’s second biggest educational publisher Sanoma Learning and Literature. This global scenario planning and foresight process brought business leaders from 5 countries together and looked outward to innovation in learning across the globe from China, India, Japan, to the United States and Europe. How has education been organised over the last 200 years, and how would it change in the next 20?
How will we match the formalisation of learning or education as we have come to call it to a rapidly changing society driven by digitisation, globalisation, resource constraints, climate change, etc in a context of slow institutional renewal.
In facilitated discussions, creative workshops and innovation accelerators the executive team created a shared language and perspective to build a robust strategy and leading initiatives for different futures. Immersive video interviews with more than 40 remarkable people across the world brought critical insights from diverse sectors: a sushi oykata (master) in Tokyo, ministers of education in Asia and Europe, hi-tech firms in San Francisco, computer pioneers, innovators in Virtual Reality and others. This combined with desk research totalled just over a 1000 pages of work, which was then reduced to the one page executive briefing, and overview diagram is shared below.

The scenarios opened a fresh vista for a new strategy for acquisition and innovation as well as become the template of the seven innovations and the digital transformation strategy of Sanoma Learning and Literature. In the following year the strategy was adopted by parent company Sanoma as its own digital transformation strategy.

Below listed some of the remarkable people we interviewed for 2-5 hours for the process and their titles at the time of the interview (names in no particular order):
Martha Kanter – Under Secretary of Education USA
Andreas Schleicher, Head of the Indicators and Analysis Division(PISA study), OECD Directorate for Education – Paris
John Seely Brown – Board Amazon, ex Chief Scientist Xerox, Head Xerox PARC
Uffe Elbaek, Minister of Culture, Denmark
Katarzyna Hall, Polish Minister of National Education – Warsaw
Ovid Tzeng Former Minister of Education of Taiwan and Neuropsychologist -Taipei
Shinnosuke Honjo, Ex-Vice President and Founder Rakuten – Tokyo
Doug Engelbart, Personal Computing Pioneer– San Francisco
Jaron Lanier, Computer Scientist – San Francisco
Tim O’Reilly – Founder O’Reilly Media
Alan Kay, Computing Pioneer – San Francisco
Cathy Casserly – Head of Creative Commons
Arie de Geus, Former Director Planning Unit Shell – London
Marshall (Mike) Smith – Former Under Secretary Education USA
Neeru Khosla – Fonder and CEO of CK-12
Lisa Petrides – Founder of ISKME
Peter Brantley – Director Internet Archive
Jeff Shelstead – CEO of FlatWorldKnowledge
Edith Ackermann, Professor of Developmental Psychology at MIT – Boston
Stephen Heppell, Former Head Ultralab – London
James Bradburne, Director Next Generation Foundation – London
William Calvin, Neurobiologist University of Washington – Seattle
Eiji Sato, Sushi Oykata (Master of masters) – Tokyo
Brewster Kahle, Director of the Internet Archive – San Francisco
David Cavallo OLPC, Co-head of the MIT Media Lab’s Future of Learning group – Boston
Yogesh Kulkarni, Executive Director of Vigyan Ashram – Pune, India
Christine Loh, Founder and CEO of Civic Exchange – Hong Kong
Jim Daly, Editor in Chief of Edutopia Magazine – San Francisco
Joel Garreau, Head Garreau Group, Editor Washington Post – Washington
Obie Greenberg,YouTube Strategic Educational Partnerships – San Francisco
Anne Jones, Professor Learning, Founder MD of Lifelong Learning Systems – Stratford on Trent
Timo Lankinen, General Director Department of Education Finland – Helsinki
Hugo Letiche, Professor at the University for Humanistics – Den Haag
Peter Leyden Director of the New Politics Institute– San Francisco
Bernard Margolis President ofThe Boston Public Library – Boston Masu
Masuyama, Manga Writer/ Content Producer – Tokyo
Jerry Michalski, Former Managing Editor Release 1.0 – San Francisco
Tetsuya Mizuguchi, Chief Creative Officer Q Entertainment- Tokyo
Masato Murakami & Yoriaki Kanada, Deputy President Sony Disk & Digital Solutions & General Manager Technology Planning Department Sony -Tokyo
Mitchel Resnick, Director of Lifelong Kindergarten Group at MIT – Boston
Johan Roos, Director of Imagination Lab Foundation – Geneve
Chris Shipley, Co-founder and Chairman Guidewire Group – San Francisco
John Thackara, Director Doors of Perception – London
Jeff Ubois, Digital Archivist – San Francisco
Riitta Vanska, Head E-learning Manager Nokia – Helsinki